Quick Ship Modular Conveyor-PPP-11

Quick Ship

Rowe Conveyor’s Quick-Ship program allows for last minute ordering of roller conveyor and parts. Most items ship in 1-5 business days.

Quick Ship Roller Conveyor. The modularity and configurability or our conveyor is unique in the industry. As you know almost every time you make a machine change in your factory you need to reconfigure the associated conveyor.  We also recognize this.
We have built our entire conveyor line on the premise that during the life of the conveyor it will be reconfigured.

Our conveyor is the most modular/reconfigurable conveyor available!  All frames are similar.  A drive/take-up package bolts in and can be relocated to most any frame.  An end of belt Terminator can be bolted to almost any frame.  A chain transfer can be field configured and relocated in a conveyor line without moving the conveyor frames.  Once you own our conveyor your future re-arranging costs go down dramatically.

Quick Ship: We offer a set of commonly needed conveyor items including complete conveyors on a quick ship basis. Typically 1-5 business days.  These items include; conveyor frames, drives, take-ups, rollers, brakes, and parts.

Conveyor Sections: Conveyor sections complete with air bags, pressure racks and rollers are available in our QUICK-SHIP program.  Quick ship frame lengths include 5’-0”, 6’-0” & 7’-0” lengths.  Quick ship frame widths include 60.0”BF, 72”BF & 84”BF widths. Please request a quote for other sizes.  We likely will be able to quick ship even custom sizes.

Conveyor Drives:  Rowe Conveyor LLC drives include a 1.0hp motor with a very heavy duty gearbox.  The drive includes an 8” diameter drive drum and a take-up with 7” of belt tightening adjustment.  This Drive Package is a “drop-in” package that can be installed in most conveyor frames manufactured by us and others.

Conveyor Belt Terminators: Our Bolt-in conveyor drive belt Terminators can be relocated from one frame to another. A belt terminator is located at each end of a conveyor belt with a center drive and take-up.  If you need to make the conveyor longer or shorter in the future you simply add conveyor frames and relocate the Belt Terminator to the new frame.

Rollers: Rowe Conveyor LLC manufactures 2-1/2” diameter rollers in many configurations. 18”BF Spring loaded rollers, High Capacity Wrap Rollers, Drive Drums, Terminal Rollers and captive shaft drop in rollers in 60”, 72” & 84” are stocked and available within the Quick Ship Program.