Load Pushing Device PPP-53


Load Pushing Device 

Rowe Conveyor’s reciprocating Pusher Exit Devices include heavy duty #60 roller chains and electronic torque limiting.

A Pusher Exit Device includes a chain driven pusher bar and an integral conveyor frame with rollers. The standard device includes a 1.0hp drive motor and a 6 foot wide pusher bar.  Our standard Pushers are built for 60”, 72” & 84” conveyor widths. 

Special pushers in many sizes can be built.

Our standard pusher operates at 60fpm for a 12 second cycle time on a 6 foot wide conveyor.  Eight heavy duty cam rollers keep the pusher head rigid over the life of the device.  The device is pre-wired with a rotary limit switch for end of travel detection and a motor lockout switch for safe servicing of the equipment.